Summer road trip essentials for the breastfeeding mom

Summer vacation season is just about here! If you’re taking a road trip with your little one for the first time we have five simple hacks to help make the drive a success.

Tip 1: Make a packing list and organize your car

I’m a list person! Before kids I could pack a weekend bag in a few minutes and hit the road. Now – with two littles – it’s all about making lists so all of the essentials make it on the road trip!

If this is your first road trip make sure you have a few key items ready. Pumping moms – that means all the pump parts. We love this bag from BeMyBreastfriend that can help you stay organized. Don’t forget the containers to store the milk and your pumping pillow. Also if you have a portable pump don’t forget that as well!

Easy nursing clothes can be a game changer on your trip. Our Nursing Queen tops allow for easy access to pump or nurse on the go. You can open the zipper as far or little as you want or pull aside for access on the go.

Tip 2: Storage for your milk

If you plan to pump along the way, make sure you figure out how you want to store your breastmilk. According to the CDC, freshly expressed or pumped breastmilk can be kept at room temperature for up to four hours. If you'll be traveling longer than that, you'll want to look at bringing a small cooler with ice packs to keep your breastmilk cold. The CDC notes that "breast milk can be stored in an insulated cooler with frozen ice packs for up to 24 hours when you are traveling. At your destination, use the milk right away, store it in the refrigerator, or freeze it." 

Click here to look at the full guidelines from the CDC when it comes to storing your milk on the go. 

Tip 3: Take care of YOU!

A water bottle and snacks are essentials! It is so important to stay hydrated and keep your supply up during your road trip. 

Tip 4: Plan your stop options ahead of time 

As you map out your road trip, look for places along the way to stop. If you can, keep to the baby's schedule and try to pullover around the time when he or she normally feeds. This will help make sure your child doesn't get too hungry (and thus fussy) in the car. If you're pumping, keep your normal routine to help your breasts from becoming engorged. Also just take a break to rest! Walk around for a few minutes and take in some fresh air. It's great for you and the little one.  

Tip 5: Find a place to pull over where you feel comfortable to nurse

You may choose to pull over and nurse or pump in your car. Or, maybe you could find a place you feel comfortable inside a restaurant or at the park. Keep in mind there are breastfeeding laws in all 50 states to protect your right to feed your baby anywhere at any time -- covered or uncovered. That includes public or private locations.

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